Thursday, April 30, 2009

This is Thursday

I haven't done updates on here for quite sometime. So here they are.

1. I finished the book Crazy Love! It's an awesome book!
2. I'm reading Created to Be His Help Meet...some good stuff!
3. I'm job searching still. Now, that sounds awful. I know it is so sorry but just know that I'm okay. If I'm worried about it I'll let you know.
4. A huge fan of The Office and Gilmore Girls. Must I say more? I wish I could be on the show!
5. I'm starting to notice the things that I am passionate about and love a lot that I didn't know before, by going back to square one without a job.
6. I love being an aunt!
7. Tuesday I turn 21...I'm still wondering what that will feel like. I have a list of some things that I would like. Tuesday my sister Melissa turns 28. HAPPY BIRTHDAY BIG SISTA! =)

Monday, April 13, 2009

No more Lukewarm Christians!

I'm reading this book called Crazy Love by Francis Chan. I thought I would share this quote with you.

"Are you willing to say to God that He can have whatever He wants? Do you believe that wholehearted commitment to Him is more important than any other thing or person in your life? Do you know that nothing you do in this life will ever matter, unless it is about loving God and loving other people He has made?
True faith means holding nothing back; it bets everything on the hope of eternity. I know that this whole swimming-upstream, pursuing-Christ, taking-up-your-cross thing isn't easy. It's so hard, in fact, that Jesus said the road is narrow and few will actually find it...Like the parable of the sower, don't assume you are the good soil; don't assume you are the one of the few on the narrow way."

Another thing Francis Chan mentions in his book....

Read 1 Corinthians 13:4-8 and in place of "love" put your name. Do you fit that?
Are you patient? Are you kind? You feel like a liar saying that, don't you?

Let's encourage one another to become full-hearted Christians! Let's love others as Christ loves the Church! Fall in love with God and let the things of the world pass. Let go of those things and follow Him!

Monday, April 6, 2009

Nearing Easter

1. This week is focusing on Good Friday and Easter.
2. I found out yesterday that I get to go with JEFC youth to Rosebud!! This will be my sixth year going. It's so wonderful how God knows your heart. He knows exactly where you want to be. He knows exactly where you should be! Just cry out to Him and He will show you where He wants you to be. Let Him lead you. He brings joy and peace. I get to share that with the kids in Ideal, South Dakota in June! Hallelujah!!
3. I've learned that my love language is not just quality time. It's definitely words.
4. I need to make a stop at Wellspring and puchase a few books.
5. I've been thinking about applying at The Learning Post. Hope God shows me clearly where to the doors Father!
6. Praying about Timberline and the changes in the near future.
7. Hoping for warmer weather.