Friday, December 19, 2008


Feeling worth while? Women have this thing in their heart that I would like to call a measuring tool. In their minds they continue to wonder if they are enough. Am I loving enough? Am I enough? Do I give enough? Can I offer enough? Is this enough to make me worth while? For some reason women feel the need to gain their understanding of their worth. Sometimes they use worldly things to receive their answer. Unfortunately this usually results to problems. The result is making the woman feel like a failure. Then they find themselves asking the question again, "am I enough?"
The reply, "of coarse not. I failed. I'm worth nothing."
Luckily, there's a way for women to understand what they are worth. They can spend hours in the Scriptures, years studying with others, only to find the conclusion. Which seems wonderful right? Wrong. The conclusion is heaven. Only then will Christian women see and understand true worth. That does sound wonderful but what's the "problem?" Nothing....really. Except the fact that we have this thing called sinful nature. It likes to get in the way of our everlasting sinless hearts. We wake up to finding ourselves on Earth. Hearing those voices in our minds, questioning are worth. It's not until we come to the realization that it will be "like this" until we spend eternity with God. We must understand that He is enough. In fact, more than enough. Not only did He save one person, but He saved all of us. His unfailing love is more than enough for you or for me. Now that is what puts me back to reality. It takes me back to the right perspective. I'm worth while because God says I am. He shows it to me by giving me Jesus.


  1. yay!!! mary has a blog!
    love ya girly!

  2. Thanks Anna! I love the blog idea =)
    But I'm using it for my latest quiet times with God and poems/songs.
